Shawna's Weight Loss Surgery Journal
Pre-op Journal - Page 2

My Journal - Page 2

7/12/02: OK, since the 7th, there have been some bumps. The doctors office had only received 2 of the 7 blood tests ordered for the lab. So I called the lab and they only did 2!!! So I went back today and had more blood drawn. I also called my PCP and had to request a letter from her to my insurance company stating that I needed this surgery. Once I get the blood test results and the letter from my PCP, we are filing for insurance approval. I hope I get approved fast so I can get an awesome birthday present. My birthday is 7/22/02!! We'll see!! Take care everyone and I'll update as soon as I hear something!!

7/22/02: Well, I didn't make my birthday dead line as I just got the letter from my PCP today. I will send it to Dr. Greene's office and hopefully I'll be approved in the next couple weeks by my insurance!! It seems like this has been taking forever but its finally almost over. Now I just have to wait to hear from my insurance company!!

7/26/02: Ok, so I'm getting a little impatient. My doctor's office is dragging their feet submitting my information and test results to the insurance company. Ugh!! I just want a date. Something to shoot for, something to look forward to! I've done all the hard stuff, now I just want to get going on the surgery and recovery. I guess I'll have to be patient for now, I'll call my surgeons office AGAIN!! I'm starting to feel like a pain but you know what, if I don't bug them, they will drag their feet even more!
8/8/02: Called insurance company today, they haven't received anything. The doctor's office still has not sent my information to the insurance company now for 3 weeks. Calling today to question Julia as to why the hell things have not been submitted. It may get ugly....... Well, after a nasty e-mail, I think my information was finally submitted to my insurance company. My question is why did I have to get nasty to get my information submitted. No one else that I have spoken with has had this problem??? Oh well, hopefully I should hear something soon!

8/13/02: FINALLY!!! The insurance company received my information yesterday. Only took a little over 3 weeks. My insurance company told me they should have an answer back to my doctor in 2 to 3 days. Everyone I know that has United Healthcare says that I should be approved, no problem. We'll just see about that. I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch!

8/20/02: Wow, didn't see this coming. Denied due to a Written Exclusion Policy my company has. I'm going to appeal. I'm not going to let this stop me even if it is a Written Exclusion Policy. I left a message with a broker that fights insurance companies and will hopefully hear back from him soon. I also am working with another surgeon's office, Dr. William Y. Marcus, to help me with my insurance approval as Dr. Greene's office staff is absolutly NO help at all! I wish Dr. Marcus could be my surgeon but he just retired. I guess I'm just a little late! Good news is that I'm fighting the insurance company that excludes obesity and morbid obesity. Well, with my BMI at 54, I'm actually qualified as Super Morbidly Obese which is not listed in their exclusions!!! Right on..... !!! I'll keep ya posted!

10/18/02:  Contacted Walter Lindstrom today and he notified me that her has NEVER won a case against United Healthcare and that my approach of getting around the exclusion with the notion that super morbid obesity is not listed is futile. 
11/19/02:  Here I am a month later and I haven't gotten anywhere.  I have however launched my site and the petition to go to Congress to try and get the darn surgery covered for all.  Hopefully if you are reading this, you have already signed it!  I got my second denial letter from UHC and they said flat out that they won't even look at my case because of the exclusion policy I have.  Well.... onward and upward.  I will be pressing my petition even more and UHC and all other insurance companies that deny people coverage will lose in the end.... so will we... but only pounds!!!! 
12/16/02:  Well after a month of dealing with the petition, notifying congressman and celebrities, I'm taking a break for the holiday.  I was also notified that my company will be changing insurance companies to Carefirst Blue Choice from BC/BS.  One can only hope the exclusion will not be in it but I do not hold much hope.  This time of year is so busy and hopefully the new year will bring wonderful things!  HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!
12/17/02:  Well, I finally got the customer service number so I can call and see if I will be covered for this surgery.  GOOD NEWS!!!  I AM!!  It excludes obesity but not morbid obesity and I meet the qualifications with no problem.   I just wish everyone had insurance that would cover it.  I just have to submit (hopefully on 12/20/02) and get a response.  I've just set up an appt with my PCP and she has all my info to send out.  I'll just retype her letter for her to sign and fax it!!!  How easy is that!!  Just be assured though that I will still be fighting for this to become law and won't ever give up.  It may take a couple of years but hopefully it will come to fruition.
12/20/02:  Well, it's been a whirl wind week with Christmas coming, office parties, shopping and getting all of my paper work together for my surgeon to resubmit to my new insurance.  Everything is together and it should be faxed to Carefirst today.  I would really like to have a good Christmas present!!!  *wink wink*  Wish me luck!!!!
2/4/03:  OK, so the holiday rush was upon us and now it is gone.  I had alot of problems with my surgeons office faxing my information to Carefirst in a timely manner.  It took me going to my surgeons office, getting copies of my file and faxing it myself.  Only to have Carefirst say I was not covered because my company has less than 50 employees.  What a total bummer!!!  I did however get married on 12/23/02 to my baby!  His insurance covers the surgery so we though that we could just get me on his insurance.  WRONG.  I only had 31 days from the date of our marriage to get on his insurance.  Well, we missed that by about 2 weeks.  We are applying but I don't hold out much hope that I will be accepted onto his insurance.  As for self-paying... no can do.  So if this fails.... so does the dream to have WLS!  Wish me luck everyone!
4/3/03:  I'M HAVING SURGERY.... I'M HAVING SURGERY!!!  I can't believe its finally happening but it sure is.  It turned out that I didn't get any type of insurance coverage for surgery but I did find this GREAT surgeon out of Ensenada Mexico who was born and raised in San Diego and has been doing these surgeries for 14 years now.  After all the research, I have decided to go to him.  Cost for everything including travel expenses is about $9500.  The doctor and hospital fee is only $6900.  And this is the same surgery doctors in the US perform for 3-4 times the price.  He has answered all of my questions exactly the same as my US doctor and I am VERY comfortable choosing him.  My surgery date is May 2, 2003 and am excited to be having surgery and will get to relax along the beach with waves crashing on the rocks.  Must be rough huh?! I'll poste more before I go!

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