Shawna's Weight Loss Surgery Journal
Post Op Journal

Post Op Journal

5/15/03: OK, 13 days post op and 26 lbs gone forever!!! I went to my surgeon in MD and got my drainage tube removed yesterday and got weighed. I can't believe that I've lost 26 lbs in just 12 days!!! It's so exciting!

Now that I feel like sitting and punching away on this thing, here are my helpful hints for going to see Dr. Aguirre in Ensenada Mexico. There were many pros and cons to going to Mexico. If I knew then what I knew now, things would be alot different!!

First of all I had a hell of a time getting there. Flying to San Diego, taxi to the border ($55) walking across the border, catching a bus ($8 a person), then a taxi ($7 to hotel).... too much. I would have just contacted the Hotel Y Coral in Ensenada (a 5 star hotel that Dr. Aguirre has special arrangements with) that has a shuttle for $125 that will come to San Diego Airport and pick you up. And the driver speaks perfect english!!! Here is the hotels web address:

Second of all, the hospital in which Dr. Aguirre works is not the greatest. Kind of has a clinic feel to it. I will assure you though that everything is completely sterile, your bed is changed everytime you get out of it and I haven't had any problems with infection or anything.

Third was the language barrier. I wouldn't recommend anyone go without knowing basic spanish. As his nurses are WONDERFUL, they don't speak a lick of english. I'm just glad I took my sister with me that spoke some spanish.

Other than that, Dr. Aguirre was fabulous and the anethesiologist, Dr. Gomez was an angel! You want drugs, he's got drugs! Just say Tequila and your all set! They even came to visit me at the hotel the day after I was released from the hospital and they gave me a pain shot right there in the hotel. Dr. Gomez travels prepared! Post op you can send the hotel bell boy to the pharmacia to get you pain meds. Supradol is Dr. Aguirres med of choice because its powerful and sublingual. It has a nice minty taste but a little bitter!

Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions regarding my experience!
6/2/03:  Hello again!  I'm here to update on my ONE MONTH ANNIVERSARY.   I can't believe it's already been a month.  It seems like it was just yesterday I had my surgery.  Well... now for the weight loss.  Drum roll please.................. 42 lbs!  I still can't believe it.  I never feel hungry and if I am having "head" hunger, I reach for a sugar free popsicle and it does the trick, no more cravings.  I will say that they have been a life saver.  Also I learned today that Atkins has out ICE CREAM.  Hello??  Where can I get some???  It will come in individual control portions and in 4 packs.  I will be diligently looking in my grocer's freezer for this!  Although I will say that my protein shakes pretty much kill my craving for anything chocolate.  Isopure chocolate shakes taste like a chocolate milkshake.  I like to put it in the blender with some ice cubes and whirl it up.  Yummy!  Well, enough of my ramblings, until next month..... Good luck everyone else on your weight loss quest!
7/2/03: WOW... another month gone by and 63 lbs gone forever! I am really getting used to the eating now, although eating is just not the same. I am up to about 3 ounces and after that, feel like Thanksgiving dinner is in my stomach. It's a great feeling but can get a little upsetting sometimes. I just jump on the scale though and think, this is soooo worth it. If I hadn't had this surgery, I would still be at 445lbs if not more. Instead, this morning I weight 382. The least I've weighed in a couple of years. I'm hoping to hit the century mark in the next 2 months. Wish me luck.
7/18/03: HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! I just weighed again this morning. Seems like I'm addicted to the scale. Well, I weighed 374. That's a lost of 71 lbs in 11 weeks. Not bad. I'm hoping to lose 80 by 3 months and 100 by 4. Keep your fingers crossed for me!!! Things have been busy and my exercise is slacking. I'm starting my walking/swimming routine double time starting this week. Good luck to everyone having surgery this month!!

8/2/03: 80 lbs down!!! I met my goal of 80 lbs by 3 months!!! I'm so excited and so glad I have had this surgery. I'm feeling so much better and have gone from Size 34 jeans to size 30. I can almost fit into 28's but are still a little too snug. I have been swimming for exercise about 2 days a week but would like to pump that up to 3-4 days a week. Thank goodness for indoor pools. I weight 365 and my BMI is now officially under 50 which I haven't been at for YEARS! It is 49.5! I'm hoping to kick it and lose 20 more lbs in the next month. Wish me luck!!! Also wish my sister luck! Her surgeon submitted to the insurance company 2 days ago! I'm keeping my fingers, toes and anything else that I can cross crossed. I so want her to have this surgery! Good luck Shell!!!!
8/11/03:  I just wanted to pop on and give a quick update.  Things are going great!  I have so much energy these days.  I can't wait to see what it will be like in another year or so!  I am down 83 lbs and am loving getting into my old clothes.  My sister also got some news that she has been APPROVED for surgery, the lucky girl!  Her surgery is December 2nd, 2003 with Dr. Osvaldo Anez in Fairfax, VA.  His support groups are wonderful if anyone else lives in that area.  Good luck to all those who have just had surgery or will be soon!
9/2/03: Official 4 month weigh in shows me down 101 lbs. People are REALLY noticing that I am losing. I have started hard core exercising, of walking and climbing stairs. I have really had no problems with any foods and am still only able to eat 3-4 ounces at a time. I try and stay away from ALL carbohydrates and LOVE the new Atkins Crunchers.... chips! They are wonderful! I also made a treat this last week of raspberry cheesecake. It was so easy, just a pack of lite cream cheese, 1 small container of cool whip and 1 package of sugar free raspberry jello. I made it for out of town company and believe it or not it was gone in less than a day! I did manage to save a couple of tablespoons of it to snack on all week. I still have that urge to eat things I shouldn't but I look at this as a temporary thing. If I play by the rules, I will get to goal and will be able to relax a bit on my eating and have the benefits of portion control. Oh, and my BMI is now 46, down from 60! This surgery rocks! I'll update my site tomorrow with new pics!
9/8/03:  Just had to pop in and tell you all about my wonderful day!  I haven't been feeling much different since surgery, as in the way others perceive me.  I still feel like people look at me like a fat person and that's all.  Well today, as I was coming back to work from lunch, I have to go through security and show my badge to get onto campus (I work for the Federal Government and this is routine since 9/11).  The "cutie" security guard that I think is just a doll was at the security gate and when I showed him my badge, he told me that he thought I was the most beautiful woman that comes onto the campus.  I couldn't believe what he was saying!  I thanked him and told him how sweet he was and told him to have a great day because I know that I would!  Well I am!  I'm on cloud nine today!  It's one thing for my husband to tell me I'm beautiful, which I appreciate more than he could know but he told me that when I weighed 445 lbs and I didn't feel beautiful.  But when someone else notices me and tells me like that when I HAVE been feeling more attractive!  HOLY COW!  This is a good day! 
10/2/03:  WOW, 5 months and down 114 lbs.  I'm not posting pictures this month and will switch to every 2 months as my weight loss has really slowed and I'm not seeing that much difference.  However, I am feeling great these days with unlimited energy.  I have picked up a second job and joined the gym to REALLY start working out.  I am so glad I have had this surgery and can't wait for the plastics.  My friend Laura who is a year and a half post op will have her belt lipectomy and breast lift on 10/8/03 and I wish her the best!  Good luck to everyone having surgery this month!  You won't believe the changes in your life after so cherish each day and be good to your bodies!
11/4/03:  Well, sorry to be a couple days late with my update but I am now officially 6 months post, down 133 lbs and feeling great.  REALLY started working out at the gym and am definitely notice changes in my body.  Not so much with weight, even though I lost 19 lbs this month, but my clothes are starting to get smaller faster.  Which is an OK thing with me.  I just keep my eyes open for the sale racks.  I'm now wearing size 22/24 jeans, down from a 34/36.  I still have 112 lbs til I look into plastic surgery but I am determined to have that off by July of 2004, my birthday.  I would ultimately like to schedule my plastics for October of '04 and a trip to Disney World in December of '04.  My next goal for myself is under 300 lbs by Thanksgiving (I'm at 312 now) and at 285 by the new year.  I can proudly say that to this day I still do very well with avoiding carbohydrates and it gets easier every day.  My sister is due to have her surgery in a month and I hope her transition is smoother than mine.  I had a really tough time in the beginning.  Well, that's all for now!  Bye!
12/11/03:  Oh how busy these last days have been!  Getting ready for the holidays and my sister had her surgery last week!!  I'm so glad she is done and now she just has a long journey ahead of her.  I have gotten down to 292, that's a loss of 153 lbs since surgery on 5/2/03.  I feel that in a little over 7 months, that's pretty damn good!  I even went to buy jeans and got into 22's, down from a 34W!!!  I can barely believe it.  Life gets better and better every day!  Good luck to everyone having surgery this month!!!
12/21/03: Here to update you all again. I've had a boom in my weight loss, must be because I'm constantly on the go! I have now lost a total of 161 lbs bringing me to 284 lbs. I haven't weighed this in years! My next goal is to be down to 245 by my one year anniversary. That's only 39 lbs in the next 4 1/2 months. I can definitly do that. I haven't updated on my health so I will do that as well. Being 7 1/2 months post, I feel more fabulous everyday. I have no problems with any foods, which can sometimes be bad! Although I do eat bits of things I shouldn't, I stop my self at one bit and I actually feel satisfied when I do! Isn't that amazing! If I couldn't have a hershey kiss every now and then, I'd go mad! I take 2 chewable Centrums everyday and 2 chewable Irons! Then I take my calcium before bed. My blood tests have all been fabulous and can't wait to see my doctor who has been on maternity leave! She's going to freak when she sees me! Well, that's enough rambling for now... LATER!

1/12/04: Well here I am again, a little late this month but have been soo busy! At a little over 8 months post-op, I am down 176 lbs and weigh 269, BMI is 36.5 (woo hoo). I am feeling fabulous, have joined Bally's Gym and work out 5 days a week and couldn't be happier with the progress I'm making. I am hoping to lose 69 more lbs by June so I can start looking into plastics. That will be only 35 lbs from goal. My body is SCARY! I'll spare you the mental picture and not tell you what is so scary! I am planning a trip in October to Disney World! It will be the smallest I have ever been there. My lowest before was 250 when I was 13 years old! Can you believe it! I can't wait!

2/2/04: 9 months out and down 183 lbs. That puts me at 262. The weight loss has really slowed this month, which is kind of bumming me out but I bought a new pair of jeans yesterday, size 18!! And 2 new shirts, size 18/20. I am so happy! I know the weight will come off if I abide by the rules so I have to cut back on my carbs and exercise!!!

3/2/04: 10 months out and down 190 lbs. I now weight 255. The weight loss has REALLY slowed the past two months. I have been working my ass off at the gym and I am losing so slowly. I guess this is my first plateau. Everyone assures me that I must hang in there and it will pass. I make sure to get my liquids in and my protein. Well, most days on the protein anyway. I'm finding it hard to get those shakes in but I must be better at them. It has been really fun trying on new clothes and seeing what I can fit in to. I even have bought some 14/16 shirts! How exciting is that?!?! I've NEVER been that size! Well, that's all for now... TTY next month and hopefully I'll be down more and will break this plateau!!!

3/19/04: OMG! Got up this morning and weighed 242!!! That's a loss of 203 lbs. For some reason, my weight loss has really picked up after 2 very slow months and am on my way again. My current BMI is 32.5 and am thrilled to get to under 30. That will be when I hit 220 and hopefully will be having my plastic surgery consultations. My sister is also doing well, losing over 75 lbs since 12/3/04. We are just awesome! And we are going to be 2 hot sisters... wooo hooo. We have reserved our hotel for Disney World already and am so excited to go and FIT on the rides. I can't wait! My 1 year anniversary is coming up on 5/2/04 so hopefully I will get down to maybe 220?? I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

5/3/04: I AM OFFICIALLY OUT 1 YEAR AND 1 DAY AND DOWN 209 LBS!!!. I now weigh 236. I can't believe it! This past year has flown and how have things changed. My BMI is 31.9 and I'm looking into plastics already. I'm having rash issues and bad back pain from these pedulous boobs I have here! The weight loss has REALLY slowed!!! I struggle for EVERY pound now. I have upped my protein intake, exercise my brains out and watch every morsel that goes into my mouth but still, nada! Oi! What's a girl to do?!?! All I hope is that plastics take off most of the 56 lbs I have to lose until goal of 180. That will put my BMI at 24. I am a size 16 too, which is awesome. I can actually buy clothes off the rack although going to Old Navy this weekend was a blow to my ego. Their clothes run small, I know it?!?!?!!? I hope anyway! HAH! Well things can only get better from here! I have picked my plastic surgeon and go to see him this thursday and I will probably be scheduling my Lower Body Lift. My body is so scary, it makes me run out of the room in terror when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror! Well, I just wanted to drop a note and thank everyone for the anniversary well wishes. I can't wait til you all are where I am and I can't wait til I'm where others are! Good luck to everyone and happy losing!!!!

6/18/04: I have officially LOST 222 lbs. and now weight 223 lbs and am in a comfortable size 14. My goal size is a 10 so hopefully with plastics I will get there. I have scheduled my first round of plastic surgery for 7/8/04. The plastic surgeon says that I probably have a good 40 lbs of skin! I couldn't believe it! On July 8th, I will be having my upper arm lift, breast lift with augmentation and a tummy tuck. My second surgery will be 8/20/04 and will be a bum lift and a medial thigh lift with cut from groin to knee. I want a fabulous body and don't care about the scars. They will be my constant remind of how big I used to be. I will post updated pics before my surgery. Love you all!!!


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