Shawna's Weight Loss Surgery Journal

Welcome Splash

This is the journey of me.  My name is Shawna and I'm a 27 year old female who has battled her weight since the age of 8.  I have been exploring Gastric Bypass Surgery in the past year and have decided that it is the tool for me.   Through fighting the insurance and seeing doctor after doctor to document all of my comorbidities, I have come to the conclusion that I will be a self pay.  There's just no way to get around an Exclusion Policy with United Healthcare Large Group OR Carefirst BlueChoice Small Group even if your BMI is 60!  This is where you come in. 
I am currently starting this website for 2 reasons.  First of all, I will be starting a petition to sign that will be sent to the president and every congressman in the country.  The purpose of this petition is to make it mandatory for all insurance companies to COVER weight loss surgery for the morbidly obese, no questions asked.  We have the right to have this surgery covered just as much as a person who has lung cancer from smoking for years.

The second reason for this website is to be an outlet for me, writing a journal and recording my experiences.  Also it is to help educate people on this surgery and what your body goes through post-op, what you can eat, what medicines you should or should not take and so on.  I will tell you that my surgery was in Ensenada, Mexico.  My surgeon, Dr. Alejandro Aguirre Wallace was born and raised in San Diego, is a US Citizen and has been doing this surgery for over 14 years now.  Some people are very skeptical about going out of the country for surgery, but why are American's so superior over all other countries for medical care??  I understand that the hospital he practices in is better than any in the US and his surgical competence is impecible.  I am confident in my surgeon and have loved every minute dealing with him.  He's warm, caring and brilliant!

Read my journal below, explore, enjoy.  I hope it enlightens you and you join the fight with me!

This is me at 30 months post op, down 250 lbs!

Click the links below to read my journal.


Home | Progress Pics - Page 1 | Progress Pics - Page 2 | Contact Me | Pre-op Journal Page 1 | Pre-op Journal - Page 2 | Surgery Journal | Post Op Journal | Plastic Surgery | My Letters | Favorite Links | Post-Op Eating Tips | Low Carb Recipes | SIGN THE PETITION

Please get in touch with me with any comments or reactions to my site.